Friday, March 1, 2013

Investigating Themes in Of Mice and Men

         Investigating Themes in Of Mice and Men

Choose one of the following questions that interests you most to respond to in this week's 
blog post: 

1.) What different forms of power exist Of Mice and Men? What kind of power does Lennie have? What kind of power does George have? What kinds of power or powerlessness do other characters possess?

2.)  What kind of relationship does George and Lennie have? Is their relationship a friendship? How does relationship express Steinbeck's on the individual versus the community?

3.) Is the American Dream a real possibility in the story ? If yes, what characters, symbols, events, or other details from the story confirm that the American Dream is within reach? If not, what characters, symbols, events, or other details from the story represent the American Dream is out of reach?

Check Out the Info has to offer about the American 1930's! Who had power in the 1930's? Who did not? What kinds of power existed then?

Answer to question # 1.

In the story of Mice and Men there are different forms of power that exist, such as mental power that George obtains. Also, physical power that Lennie has.

 Lennie has the physical power between the duo. When they were being interviewed at the Bunkhouse George let's us know that Lennie was strong. On page 22 it states, " No, he ain't, but he's sure a hell of a good worker. Strong as a bull."(Steinbeck) When Curley began to pick on Lennie, George reassured he was a force to be reckon with. Even though Lennie may not have brains he does have strong big hands that can cause harm.  Page 27 Steinbeck writes, " Lennie ain't no fighter, but Lennie's strong and quick and Lennie don't know no rules."

Opposite to Lennie, George has the mental power, that Lennie desperately depends on. George has the power over his mind and the decisions that he makes, unlike Lennie. Because George does have that Lennie looks up to George in whether or not to make certain decisions. For example, when Curley started hitting Lennie, George had to tell Lennie to defend himself because Lennie doesn't have power in his mind. George had to do all the talking because Lennie could have costed them the job. George usually has to carry all the weight when it comes to the mental.

Power isn't only found between these two characters. For example all the characters except Crooks have racial power. There white and Crooks is colored so he gets treated differently than the rest do. There are certain benefits that only white people get due to their race, during the 1930's. Candy lacks the physical power that others may posses, due to the fact that his hand is injured and isn't able to perform the tasks others can.


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